The History of Philosophy Society is accepting full paper submissions for our second annual conference. Papers should address the theme of “Art and Nature,” which can be taken in any of the multiple ways these two concepts are each construed, as well as the diverse ways they may be related. Typically, HOPS submissions focus on a single author, but essays treating multiple authors will be considered. Papers should be submitted for blind review (with author’s name, affiliation, and contact information on a separate title page). Papers should be no more than 40 minutes reading length.
Tag Archives: HOPS
CFP: First Annual Conference of the History of Philosophy Society

The History of Philosophy Society is accepting full paper submissions for our first annual conference. Papers should address the theme of “Method,” which can be taken in terms of the method(s) of particular philosophers, a philosopher’s philosophy of method, or in terms of how one “does” the history of philosophy. The Papers should be submitted for blind review (with author’s name on a separate title page).
Papers should be no more than 40 minutes reading length.
Submissions should be sent no later than January 15, 2015. All papers should be sent as email attachment to Richard Lee (