History of Philosophy Society Call For Papers

 History of Philosophy Society

3rd Annual Meeting: Pleasure Emory University, May 19-20, 2017

Call for Papers: Pleasure

The History of Philosophy Society is accepting full paper submissions for our third annual conference. Papers should address the theme of “Pleasure.” This theme may be examined in any of the philosophical idioms in which it plays a role: aesthetic, ethical, social, intellectual, etc.. Typically, HOPS submissions focus on a single author, but essays treating multiple authors will be considered. Papers should be submitted for anonymous review (with author’s name, affiliation, and contact information on a separate title page). Papers should be no more than 40 minutes reading length.

Keynote Speakers:

Ann Hartle, Emory University

Jennifer Whiting, University of Pittsburgh

Please send submissions as an email attachment to historyofphilosophysociety@gmail.com, no later than January 15, 2017. Submissions must treat authors prior to the 20th Century.
