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Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships in Ancient Greek Philosophy in São Paulo

The Research Project on Greek Classical Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, and their Influence in Antiquity announces three (3) postdoctoral positions at the Philosophy Department, University of São Paulo, in the following areas:

  • Plato’s Philosophy (1 Fellowship)
  • Aristotle’s Philosophy (1 Fellowship)
  • Hellenistic or Plotinus’ Philosophy (1 Fellowship)

The fellowships will be appointed to a two-year term, renewable for an additional term, beginning in March 2011. Each fellowship carries a departmental application and the responsibility of joining in the research activities of the Research Project (research seminars, conferences, meetings). These fellowships correspond to a research position, with no teaching responsibilities attached.

The fellowships are sponsored by FAPESP. Chosen candidates will earn R$ 5,028.00 (Brazilian currency) per month, tax free.

Applicants may apply to more than one position.

They should have completed the PhD in Philosophy or Classics, preferably no earlier than 2006. For each position, the applicant must include :

  • an updated Curriculum Vitae;
  • a statement of proposed research (no more than 4 pages, plus 1 separate page for bibliography), specifying the topic(s) to be studied, including a research schedule for the first two years and a list of expected publications;
  • a writing sample (dissertation chapter or other paper);
  • one sealed letter of recommendation, to be sent directly by the person making the recommendation to the address below.

All documents should be submitted in printed form; please note that the materials will not be returned. Candidates will be notified by e-mail once their dossier has been processed (please provide an e-mail address in the application).

All dossier materials and the selection committee’s evaluations remain confidential. The committee is not able to provide feedback on individual applications.

Closing date for all applications: November 13th 2010.

Applications (in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese) should be submitted (as print materials) to:

Prof. Marco Zingano
Philosophy Department
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315
05508-900 São Paulo, SP

More information can be obtained in these sites:

Research Project: philosophy-plato-aristotle/
USP Department of Philosophy (
Journal of Ancient Philosophy (

For information not available in these sites, please contact Prof. Marco Zingano at .