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Graduate Student Dissertation Panel

The Ancient Philosophy Society is holding a zoom panel featuring graduate students working in ancient philosophy from institutions historically associated with the APS. Each participant will spend 5-10 minutes to present some of their work, some from within their dissertation project and others more broadly, after which there will be a chance to discuss all their projects big and small.

Please join us at 12noon EDT on 22-April to hear some of what’s up and coming in Ancient Philosophy. This is a student organized event. A flyer for the event is attached. 

Panel via Zoom:

Active and Passive Dunamis Updated Link

In case you are having any trouble with the Zoom link in the PDF Flyer for the panel on Active and Passive Dunamis this Friday, February  11th at 12pm Eastern, 6pm Central European Time, here is a copy of the Zoom link.  Just click on the link below to join the meeting this Friday.

Topic: APS Session: Active and Passive Dunamis

Time: Feb 11, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 831 0922 5683

Passcode: 965363

Thank you,

Michael Shaw and Marina McCoy

Ancient Philosophy Society Zoom Seminar: Active and Passive Dunamis

This is a reminder to please join us for the APS sponsored panel “Active and Passive Dunamis” with Anna Marmodoro and Arnaud Macé at 12pm Eastern Time on Friday, February 11th.  The zoom link for the panel is embedded in the attached flyer.  Just click on the link in the flyer to join the session.  Please note the time is 12pm Eastern and 9am Pacific since Anna and Arnaud are joining us from Europe for this virtual event.

Ancient Philosophy 2021 Program

Click Here to Download the Program 

Ancient Philosophy Society

20th Annual Independent Meeting

10th – 12th June 2021

All times are Eastern Daylight Time • All sessions will take place via Zoom

Thursday 10 June

Click Here For: APS Zoom Link for All Panels on Thursday

Meeting ID: 819 0351 4006 Pass Code: Thales

Panel 1

11 AM – 1 PM

Circles of Stoicism

Chair: Tim DeGriselles (University of Toledo)

a.Robin Weiss (American University in Cairo) “No Human Being is a Stranger: The Stoics and the So-Called ‘Community of Reason’”

b.Basil Evangelidis (FernUniversität Hagen, Germany) “Lucretius on the swerve and free-action”

c.Ralph Wedgwood (University of Southern California) “Hierocles’ Concentric Circles”

Panel 2

1:15 – 3:15 PM

Empedocles and The Pythagorean Tradition

Chair: Daniel W. Graham (Brigham Young University)

a.Ginger Guin (Fordham University) “Irigaray’s Elemental and the Forgetting of Physis in Empedocles”

b.Leon Wash (University of Chicago) “Aristotle’s Metaphorical Empedocles”

c.Justin Humphreys (Villanova University) “Aristotle and the Italians”

Panel 3

3:30 – 5:30 PM

Injustice and the Self in the Gorgias and Protagoras

Chair: Kevin Cales (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)

a.Jeremy Bell (Emory University) “Order and Egoism in Plato’s Gorgias

b.Adriel M. Trott (Wabash College) “The Art of Measure, Hedonism and Akrasia in Plato’s Protagoras

c.Mary Townsend (St. John’s University) “Plato’s Gorgias and Protagoras on the Injustices of Women”

APS Social Hour

5:45 – 6:45 PM

Friday 11 June

Click Here For: APS Zoom Link for All Panels on Friday

Meeting ID: 831 9226 7431 Pass Code: Thales

Panel 4

11 AM – 1 PM

Politics and Shame

Chair: Emanuela Bianchi (New York University)

a.Pieta Päällysaho (University of Jyväskylä) “On Alcibiades’ Shame”

b.Elena Bartolini (University of Milano-Bicocca) “Imagination, Freedom, and the Political Context: On φαντασία and λόγος in Aristotle”

c.Marina Marren (University of Nevada, Reno) “State Violence and Weaving: Implications of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata for Plato’s Statesman

Panel 5

1:15 – 3:15 PM

Energeia and Kinesis

Chair: Matthew Clemons (SUNY Stony Brook)

a.Humberto José González Núñez (Villanova University) “Toward a Unitary Interpretation of Metaphysics ϴ: Reading ϴ 10 in Light of Aristotle’s Discussion of Being as Potency and Activity”

b.Mark Sentesy (Pennsylvania State University) “Aristotle’s Kinetic Concept of Anamnesis

c.Brian Marrin (Universidad de los Andes) “‘So Endless an End:’ Ergon and Energeia in Aristotle”

Panel 6

3:30 – 5:30 PM

Desire and Difference in Plato

Chair: Anne-Marie Schultz (Baylor University)

a.Lydia Winn (Boston College) “Double-Blindness of the Soul: On the ‘Mixed Nature’ of the Ascent to the Good”

b.Stephen Mendelsohn (Boston College) “Blinded by Desire: Self-Deception and the Possibility of the True Lie in Plato’s Republic

c.Michael Wiitala (Cleveland State University) “The Parts of Difference in Plato’s Sophist

5:45 – 6:45 PM

APS Social Hour

Saturday 12 June

Click Here For: APS Zoom Link for All Panels

Saturday Meeting ID: 848 7254 1268 Pass Code: Thales

Panel 7

11 AM – 1 PM

Silence and the Remainder

Chair: Ryan Harte (Utah Valley University)

a.Tuhin Bhattacharjee (New York University) “The Silence of Ananke: Logos, Psyche, and the Maternal in the Myth of Er”

b.Sean Driscoll (Brigham Young University) “Cratylus’ Silence about Linguistic Correctness”

c.Claudia Baracchi (University of Milano-Bicocca) “Biography, Autobiography, and the Fugitive”

Panel 8

1:15 – 3:15 PM

Life and Contradiction in Aristotle

Chair: Aurora Yu (University of North Carolina)

a.Pascal Massie (Miami University of Ohio) “Contradiction, Being, and Meaning in Aristotle’sMetaphysics Gamma

b.Cameron F. Coates (DePaul University) “The Unity of Aristotle’s Concept of Life”

c.Philip Sutherland (Marquette University) “Aristotle and Consciousness”

Panel 9

3:30 – 5:30 PM

Aristotle and Puzzling Bodies

Chair: Marta Jimenez (Emory University)

a.Velvet Yates (University of Florida) “The Link Between Body Heat and Courage in Aristotle”

b.Van Tu (Bowdoin College) “Aristotle on Women’s Deliberative Capacity as Akuron: A Puzzle about Coming-to-Be”

c.Martha Woodruff (Middlebury College) “Aristotle’s Remembrance of Xenia in Poetics and Hermeneutics”

APS Social Hour

5:45 – 6:45 PM

“Plato and the Invention of Life” Book Panel

Please see the attached flyer for information on the Zoom Session Book Panel on Plato and the Invention of Life by Michael Naas (Fordham UP, 2018), being held on Tuesday, March 30th at 3pm Central Time (4pm EDT) and organized by the Ancient Philosophy Society.

Registration information and the Zoom link are in the attached flyer.  Please contact Walter Brogan ( or Michael Shaw ( if you have any questions about the event.  We look forward to seeing you on March 30th.