Call for papers – Symposium Platonicum XII
Plato’s Parmenides
Paris, July 15th-20th 2019
The International Plato Society organizes a symposium on a single Platonic dialogue every three years. We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the XII Symposium Platonicum: Plato’s Parmenides.
The Symposium will take place July 15–20, 2019, in Paris. Although the dialogue has been the object of intense scholarly scrutiny, many issues remain to be explored. Submissions on any aspect of the dialogue, including its presocratic sources as well as later reception, will be considered. We also would like to encourage papers that address issues in the dialogue’s second half since it has received relatively less attention.
We welcome abstracts from all IPS members, full and associate. If you are not yet a member of the International Plato Society, criteria for membership and information about joining are available at: https://platosociety.org/
membership/. If you intend to submit an abstract, please make sure that your IPS dues are paid for 2016–19 at least one week before making your submission. If you are unsure whether you are a member in good standing, check the status of your account on the website or send an e-mail to web@platosociety.org.
Papers should be suitable for 20-minute presentations, but authors may be asked to expand their papers to be presented at one of the 40-minute plenary sessions.
Your abstract should be 800–1200 words and you must submit versions in any two of the Society’s five official languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish, or German).
To ensure blind-review by the IPS Executive Committee please remove any identifying information from the abstract and the file properties. Any queries about the abstract should be sent to symposiumplatonicum12@
gmail.com. Deadline
All submissions must be received by September 30, 2018. Submitters will be notified of the Committee’s decision in January 2019.
How to submit your abstract
The submission process is entirely online at http://www.platosociety.
Call for Papers: The RIT Department of Philosophy invites papers that address any topic or thinker related to Plotinus and Neoplatonism in general. Of particular interest are papers addressing the influence of Neoplatonism on modern and contemporary thought as well as Neoplatonism’s influence on earlier thinkers or topics, the “practical” philosophy of Neoplatonism, and comparisons and contrasts with other traditions (such as Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism).
Submission Deadline: August 1, 2016
Papers should be 3,500-4,000 words in length and prepared for blind-review. Please submit full papers electronically as Word documents to: brian.schroeder@rit.edu or silvia.benso@rit.edu.
Accepted papers will be considered for publication in a volume to be published by RIT Press.
Conference Date: October 17-18, 2016
Keynote Speaker: Dermot Moran University College Dublin
The Emory University Institute for the History of Philosophy (IHP) will host its seventh annual summer workshop on June 14–26, 2015, on the topic of “Aristotle on the Emotions.”
IHP Summer Workshops are designed to bring together a group of faculty scholars specializing in specific areas of the history of philosophy for seminars focused around a shared reading list. Ten participants and the co-directors meet in mornings and afternoons over the course of two four-day weeks for discussions based upon close readings. The workshop format eschews the delivery of conference-style papers in favor of open, group-based engagement. In so doing, the IHP seeks to foster conversations that will inform future scholarly work. The IHP’s past workshops have focused on themes and figures such as: Renewing the Ancient Quarrel: Plato, Hegel, Adorno; Peirce, James, and the Origins of Pragmatism; Vico and the Humanist Tradition; Montaigne and the Origins of Modernity; Nietzsche and Heidegger on the Issue of History; and Religion and Philosophy in Neoplatonism.
This year’s readings will focus on Aristotle’s conception of emotions and their role in moral psychology, the body/soul relationship, ethics, politics, rhetoric and dialectic. Our central texts include selections from Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Eudemian Ethics, Rhetoric, and De Anima. A few other texts will supplement discussion.
The Institute is pleased to provide room, board, and travel expenses for all participants accepted into the workshop. Guests will be housed in The New Marriott Courtyard Decatur, in downtown Decatur, Georgia, a couple of miles from Emory’s campus. Decatur is a vibrant town with several restaurants and bars, all within walking distance from the hotel. The hotel is also close to a MARTA stop, Atlanta’s public train service. Participants will thus have access to other parts of Atlanta, including the airport. All hotel/campus transportation will be provided.
To apply, scholars should send a cover letter addressing the relevance of the topic and the author to their current and/or future scholarly work, and a CV to Professor Jimenez at the email address below. The application deadline is February 20th, 2015 with decisions announced by March 2nd, 2015.
Co-Directors 2015
Marta Jimenez
Department of Philosophy
214 Bowden Hall
561 South Kilgo Circle
Emory University
Atlanta, GA 30322 USA
Christof Rapp
Lehrstuhle fur Philosophie III
Ludwig Maximilians Universitat
Gerschwister Scholl Platz 1
80536 Munchen, Germany
The History of Philosophy Society is accepting full paper submissions for our first annual conference. Papers should address the theme of “Method,” which can be taken in terms of the method(s) of particular philosophers, a philosopher’s philosophy of method, or in terms of how one “does” the history of philosophy. The Papers should be submitted for blind review (with author’s name on a separate title page).
Papers should be no more than 40 minutes reading length.
Submissions should be sent no later than January 15, 2015. All papers should be sent as email attachment to Richard Lee (rlee17@depaul.edu).
Posthuman Antiquities
November 14-14, New York, New York
Hemmerdinger Hall, The Silver Center for Arts & Sciences
New York University
What can an inquiry into antiquity offer posthumanist thinking on the body, on nature and its relationship with technology, and on the fundamental interrelatedness of the physical, the biological, the psychical, the social and the artifactual?
Greek and Roman literary, philosophical, and medical texts are resplendent with sites in which “materiality” and “embodiment” (in current parlance) erupt into a field of questioning, deliberation, care, and experimentation. A return to antiquity is particularly pertinent in the wake of the philosophical demise of the sovereignty of the modern individual human subject and the rise not only of discourses such as deconstruction, psychoanalysis, and feminism, but also recent turns to chaos theory, complexity theory, vitalism, affect theory, environmental philosophy, and animal studies. As with these contemporary discourses, classical thinking displaces and complicates the modern notion of subjectivity, and finds movement and life inherently at work in both organic and inorganic phenomena.
This international conference seeks to foster conversation and cross-pollination between these vastly different periods positioned, as they both are, as transitional zones. We propose that through an encounter with “the Greeks,” we can not only re-imagine the trajectories and potentialities of contemporary posthumanist theorizing, but also interrogate narratives of origin, legacy, and linear temporality.
Keynote speakers: Claudia Baracchi (Milan-Bicocca) and Adriana Cavarero (Verona).
Speakers: Emanuela Bianchi (NYU), Sara Brill (Fairfield), Rebecca Hill (RMIT), Brooke Holmes (Princeton), Miriam Leonard (UCL), Michael Naas (DePaul), Ramona Naddaff (UC Berkeley), Mark Payne (Chicago), John Protevi (Louisiana State), Kristin Sampson (Bergen), Giulia Sissa (UCLA).
Conference organized by Emanuela Bianchi, Sara Brill and Brooke Holmes.
September 27, 28, and 29, 2013
Distinguished Professor of Classics & Comparative Literature
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor
Friday 6PM
William Lampson Professor of English & American Studies
Call for Papers
In keeping with the National Endowment for the Humanities’ new call
for interdisciplinary transcultural projects, this conference will focus on
“intercultural receptions” across time and space. Reading, in the title, is broadly
conceived in the sense of reception of “cultural” forms and genres, including
texts, buildings, art works, rituals, and performances. This year’s conference
will particularly focus on the reception of ancient, medieval, and early modern
texts, whether literary or philosophical, across genres, periods, and geographical
spaces. 250 word abstracts should be submitted to Professor Brenda
Schildgen by May 1, 2013 (email: bdschildgen@ucdavis.edu).
Long time APS member, Emma Bianchi, who will be joining the Comparative Literature Department at NYU, called our attention to this conference on Lucretius and Modernity to be held there this October.
Here is the description:
The long shadow cast by Lucretius’s poem falls across the disciplines of philosophy, literary history and criticism, religious studies, classics, political philosophy… Over the past two decades, interest in De rerum natura in each of these fields has grown dramatically, in some cases as hidden Epicurean influences on well-known writers have come to light, in others when the decline of a school or of a particular orthodoxy has left room for a return to Lucretius, and to the Epicurean tradition more broadly—as with the eclipse of normative materialisms in philosophy and politics. Contemporary physics has found in the ancient atomist tradition a strange and evocative mirror; the place of Lucretius’s poetics in the development of modern poetic genres, techniques, and themes has come into sharp focus; political philosophers have identified what Althusser called a “subterranean current” in the materialist tradition, flowing from Epicurus through Spinoza and Marx and to Deleuze, propelled by Lucretius’s great poem.
“Lucretius and Modernity” is the first conference to bring together classicists, philosophers and literary critics from Europe and the United States interested centrally in the work of Lucretius and in the long history of his reception. Clustered about four topics—1. What is modern about Lucretius? 2. What is Lucretian about modernity? 3. How to do things with Lucretius: Physics, Politics, Poetics; and 4. Following Lucretius—the papers presented at “Lucretius and Modernity” will provide the occasion for a reflection across disciplinary borders on the poem’s continuing, growing importance.
For more information, visit the Lucretius and Modernity conference site on the Comp Lit website at NYU.
Given Stephen Greenblatt’s recent essay on Lucretius’s “On The Nature Of Things” in the New Yorker, it seems that Lucretius is in the air.