Category Archives: Conferences

Travel to the APS Conference

For those of you traveling by air to Baltimore for the 2009 APS conference, we would like to encourage you to use the light rail service from BWI to the Timonium Business Park stop which is a block from the Crowne Plaza Baltimore North-Hunt Valley hotel.

We understand that the ride on the light rail does not require a transfer and will take about an hour to an hour and 20 minutes from BWI to the Timonium Business Park. To take a cab from BWI would not take significantly less time.

To encourage this, we want to link here to:

9th Annual Conference Early Registration

As the program committee is in the process of accepting papers and establishing the final program for the 2009 APS conference to be held April 23-26, 2009 at Loyola College in Maryland, I would like to remind people to register for the conference online as soon as possible.  

Early registration online through our conference registration page with the Philosophy Documentation Center is available through March 28, 2009.  After that date, registration will cost an extra $20.

Don’t forget also to reserve your room at the Crowne Plaza Baltimore North-Hunt Valley, 2004 Greenspring Drive, Timonium, MD 21093, 1 (800) 261-9168; Front Desk: 1 (410) 252-7373.  A block of rooms is saved under the name of the Ancient Philosophy Society.  The group rate should be $119 per night with a maximum of two people per room.

For directions to the hotel, see

The conference will be held at:

Graduate Centers Loyola Campus
2034 Greenspring Drive
Timonium, MD 21093 

Driving directions to the Graduate Center Loyola Campus
I-695 to I-83 North (Harrisburg Expressway).
Exit 16A, Timonium Road East.
Greenspring Drive is the first right turn after leaving I-83.
The Graduate Center parking lot is the second right turn.

The Grad Center is right next to the hotel. There is free parking.

Program Status

The program committee has completed its work and we are in the process of determining which of the many excellent papers we received will make it onto the program.  This year we are considering adding a few concurrent sessions so as to accommodate more papers.

We recognize that those of you who have submitted papers are waiting to hear about the status of your paper.  We ask for your patience as we consider how best to include as many papers as we can. We should have the program set and contact those on it within the next two weeks.

Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue CFP

The Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue™ (JIRD) is pleased to issue a call for submissions for its inaugural edition. The Journal is a forum for academic, political, and social discussions related to the unique experiences and interactions of different religious traditions. Students, faculty, and alumni from seminaries of all affiliations are welcome to submit an original article.

The Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue™ seeks to increase interchanges between religious communities, starting with clergy and leaders in inter-religious work. Although it aims to become a vehicle for improving relations between groups, the Journal encourages those interested in submitting pieces not to shy away from controversial issues. Prospective authors should feel welcome to address these topics head-on, though in a respectful and informed way.

Click here for the Call for Papers (.doc).

Happy New Year 2009

The Executive Committee wishes everyone associated with the Ancient Philosophy Society a very happy and productive new year.  This year we are looking forward to our ninth annual independent meeting hosted by Gary Scott and Loyola College in Maryland, April 23-26, 2009.

The program committee is hard at work reviewing all 78 submissions to this year’s conference and we look forward to having the program set by the middle of February.

To register for the conference online, click here.  The hotel for the conference will be the Crowne Plaza Baltimore North-Hunt Valley, 2004 Greenspring Drive, Timonium, MD 21093, 1 (800) 261-9168.  A block of rooms is saved under the name of the Ancient Philosophy Society.

Thanks to all who make this society the supportive and intellectually stimulating community it is.

2009 Conference Online Registration Now Available

The online registration page for the Ninth Annual Independent meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society to be held in Baltimore, Maryland and hosted by Gary Scott at the Loyola College in Maryland on April 23-26, 2009 is now available.

Please visit the our registration page hosted by the Philosophy Documentation Center at: to register for the conference.

For more information about the 2009 conference, including information related to the Crowne Plaza Baltimore North-Hunt Valley hotel, please click here.

2009 Conference Submissions

We are happy to report that we have again received an enormous number of submissions to the 9th Annual Meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society to be held this year at Loyola College in Maryland April 23-26, 2009.  This year have received over 75 submissions for a program that has traditionally accommodated about 14 papers (not including invited keynote speakers.)

Although we have historically held to a tradition of having only plenary sessions at our annual conference, due to the large number of submissions we have been receiving over the past few years, we are looking into the possibility of having a few concurrent sessions so we can accept more of the excellent work submitted.

Decisions about the program will be made by February 15th, 2009 and we hope to have the online conference registration page for this year up and running by the end of December 2008.

Thank you to all who took the time to submit a paper to the Ancient Philosophy Society and know that we are working to accept as many excellent papers as possible.

2009 Call for Papers

Download the pdf of the 2009 Call for PapersThe Ninth Annual Independent meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society will be held in Baltimore, Maryland at Loyola College in Maryland and take place at the Graduate Center Timonium Campus from April 23-26, 2009.

Papers on any topic in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy are invited. Papers should be no more than 3000 words, 30 minutes reading time. Panel proposals will be considered, though they should be as complete as possible. Please prepare papers for blind review, with personal information on a cover sheet. Abstracts will not be considered.

Submission Deadline:
November 30, 2008

Inquiries and submissions (four paper copies plus one electronic copy, prepared for blind review) should be directed to:

Gary Scott
Department of Philosophy
Loyola College in Maryland
4501 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

For electronic submissions or inquiries use only this email address:

The 2009 Call for Papers is available for download in pdf format, we encourage you to print and post it in locations where interested people might view it.