Category Archives: Conferences

2015 Meeting in Lexington, KY, April 9-12

Registration is open for the 2015 Ancient Philosophy Society Meeting in Lexington, Kentucky, April 9-12, hosted by the University of Kentucky, Transylvania University, and Berea College.

Register at the Philosophy Documentation Center (PDCNET).

$65 Individual/$40 Student.

APS 2015 Program

Please note that early registration is open until March 9, 2015, at which point the registration fee increases by $20 for both faculty and graduate students. So register early!

Also note the APS Banquet scheduled for Saturday night ($60 Individual/$40 Student). The banquet has traditionally been a very nice event that offers everyone a chance to relax and socialize. This year’s menu is being provided in a collaboration between Yamaguchi Tapas and Smithtown Seafood (organized by Holly Hill), options are described on the PDC webpage, wine is included. I warmly invite everyone to attend.

Rooms are available at the Hilton for $139/night. Please note that the hotel requires reservations be made by Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 (or before the block is sold out). If you call, you should state you are attending the “Ancient Philosophy Society” to get the conference rate.

Posthuman Antiquities

Posthuman Antiquities
November 14-14, New York, New York
Hemmerdinger Hall, The Silver Center for Arts & Sciences
New York University

What can an inquiry into antiquity offer posthumanist thinking on the body, on nature and its relationship with technology, and on the fundamental interrelatedness of the physical, the biological, the psychical, the social and the artifactual?

Greek and Roman literary, philosophical, and medical texts are resplendent with sites in which “materiality” and “embodiment” (in current parlance) erupt into a field of questioning, deliberation, care, and experimentation. A return to antiquity is particularly pertinent in the wake of the philosophical demise of the sovereignty of the modern individual human subject and the rise not only of discourses such as deconstruction, psychoanalysis, and feminism, but also recent turns to chaos theory, complexity theory, vitalism, affect theory, environmental philosophy, and animal studies. As with these contemporary discourses, classical thinking displaces and complicates the modern notion of subjectivity, and finds movement and life inherently at work in both organic and inorganic phenomena.

This international conference seeks to foster conversation and cross-pollination between these vastly different periods positioned, as they both are, as transitional zones. We propose that through an encounter with “the Greeks,” we can not only re-imagine the trajectories and potentialities of contemporary posthumanist theorizing, but also interrogate narratives of origin, legacy, and linear temporality.

Keynote speakers: Claudia Baracchi (Milan-Bicocca) and Adriana Cavarero (Verona).

Speakers: Emanuela Bianchi (NYU), Sara Brill (Fairfield), Rebecca Hill (RMIT), Brooke Holmes (Princeton), Miriam Leonard (UCL), Michael Naas (DePaul), Ramona Naddaff (UC Berkeley), Mark Payne (Chicago), John Protevi (Louisiana State), Kristin Sampson (Bergen), Giulia Sissa (UCLA).

Conference organized by Emanuela Bianchi, Sara Brill and Brooke Holmes.

Professors Howland and Brill Speaking at #SPEP14 APS Meeting

We invite you to join the APS at its satellite session in conjunction with the 53rd Meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy.

We will gather on Thursday, October 23rd 9:00am-12:00pm in the Intercontinental Hotel, New Orleans, Pelican Room I to hear from two speakers:

Jacob Howland, University of Tulsa “A Shimmering Socrates: Eros and Anxiety in Kierkegaard’s Platonic Authorship”

Sara Brill, Fairfield University “Beyond Zoe and Bios: On the Concept of Shared Life in Aristotle’s Ethics”

The full SPEP Conference Program can be found on the site.

Call For Papers: APS 2017 at Baylor University


Ancient Philosophy Society

17th Annual Independent Meeting

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

April 27- April 29, 2017

Honoring the richness of the American and European philosophical traditions, the Ancient Philosophy Society encourages submissions from a variety of interpretive perspectives. Phenomenological, postmodern, Anglo-American, Straussian, Tübingen School, hermeneutic, psychoanalytic, queer, feminist, and any other interpretations of ancient Greek and Roman philosophical and literary works are welcome.

Please submit papers by e-mail attachment to Deadline: November 15, 2016. The author’s name, institution, and references pertaining to the identity of the author must be omitted from the paper, notes, and bibliography. The e-mail accompanying the submission must include the author’s name, the title of the paper, address, telephone, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation.

  • Papers must be written in English. Submission implies that the paper is entirely the author’s own unpublished work and that, where appropriate, the contributions of others are acknowledged.
  • Papers may not exceed 3,000 words (30 minutes’ reading time, max.), exclusive of footnotes and bibliography. Longer papers will not be forwarded to the Program Committee. Abstracts will not be considered for the program except for the working group session mentioned below.
  • Because papers selected for presentation are collected and provided to meeting participants in a single Proceedings, please observe the following conventions: single-spacing, 1-inch margins on all sides, pages numbered, 12-point font for text, 10-point for footnotes.
  • Papers should be submitted in PDF.
  • Receipt of papers will be acknowledged by e-mail.
  • Only one submission per author will be considered.
  • No one may present a paper in consecutive years.

All papers are reviewed by an anonymous Program Committee selected by the Host and Executive Committee to represent the range of interpretive traditions. Decisions will be reached in January 2017, and authors will be notified by e-mail. You do not need to be a member of the society to submit a paper, but you must join the society to be on the program.

This year, we are creating space on the program for a working group in Ancient Philosophy. The working group format aims to provide participants with feedback on a project in an early stage of development. This year’s topic is “Aristotle and The Non-human other.” If you are interested in participating in the working group, please submit a five hundred word abstract to Please leave the abstract free of identifying information.

The APS values diversity in its membership as well as in its scholarly perspectives. We particularly invite submissions from members of groups underrepresented in philosophy, including women, people of color, LGBTQI individuals, and people with disabilities. The APS conference is wheelchair accessible.

In keeping with this commitment to diversity, the APS will award two prizes of $300 each:

  • The Diversity Prize: awarded to the best paper that is chosen for the program through the anonymous selection process written by a person from a group underrepresented in the discipline.  Please self-identify in the body of your email when you submit your paper, saying, “I would like to be considered for the Diversity Prize after the program selection process.” Please keep your paper free of any identifying information.
  • The Emerging Scholar Prize: awarded to the best paper that is chosen for the program through the anonymous selection process written by a scholar who is either ABD or up to 3 years post Ph.D.  Please self-identify in the body of your email when you submit your paper, saying, “I would like to be considered for the Emerging Scholar Prize after the program selection process.”  Please keep your paper free of any identifying information.
  • Scholars may be considered for both prizes but can only be awarded one.

For current information about the meeting, as well as membership information, consult the APS website:

Please direct all inquiries to

2014 APS Conference Registration is Open

University of South Florida

We are very excited to welcome everyone to Tampa, Florida and the University of South Florida for the 14th annual meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society.

The #APS14 APS Final Program is now available.

You are now invited to register for the conference by visiting our Conference Registration page with the Philosophy Documentation Center:

Please note that early registration is open until March 24, 2014, at which point the registration fee increases by $20 for both faculty and graduate students. So register early!

The conference will take place at the Embassy Suites Hotel on the USF campus. The room rate is $129 plus tax. This room fee includes a cooked-to-order breakfast, and there is a complimentary manager’s reception in late afternoon.

The link to the website for the hotel is below:

Please note that the reservations must be made by Monday, March 31, 2013, and that you should state you are attending the Ancient Philosophy Society Conference to get the conference rate.

APS at #SPEP13

Here is a friendly reminder that the APS will be meeting at SPEP in Eugene, OR on Thursday October 24th, from 9am to noon, at the Hilton in Eugene.

Because our ability to continue hosting a satellite program at SPEP every year depends upon the number of people who come to the APS at SPEP session, it is critical that as many of our members and friends of the APS attend the Thursday session.

The Ancient Philosophy Society meeting will be held in the Studio BC (Mezzanine Level).

Our speakers this year will be:

Marina McCoy, Boston College
“Re-imagining the Platonic Imagination”

Sean Kirkland, DePaul University
“Aristotle on Temporality”

Call for Papers for the 2014 APS in Tampa, FL at the University of South Florida

The fourteenth annual meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society will be held April 24-27, 2014 at the University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.

Papers in English on any topic in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy are welcome.

There is a 3,000 word maximum for submissions, which should be prepared for blind review. Before submitting your paper by email, please see the full guidelines for submissions to the 14th annual conference in April 2014.

Submit papers by email to:

The deadline for submissions is:

Monday, November 25, 2013.

Decisions will be reported by January 6, 2014

We are proud to announce that the two keynote speakers for the 2014 conference will be:

Francisco Gonzalez
Professor of Philosophy
University of Ottawa

Helen Lang
Professor of Philosophy
Villanova University

Receptions: Reading the Past Across Time and Space

September 27, 28, and 29, 2013

Distinguished Professor of Classics & Comparative Literature
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor
Friday 6PM

William Lampson Professor of English & American Studies

Call for Papers
In keeping with the National Endowment for the Humanities’ new call
for interdisciplinary transcultural projects, this conference will focus on
“intercultural receptions” across time and space. Reading, in the title, is broadly
conceived in the sense of reception of “cultural” forms and genres, including
texts, buildings, art works, rituals, and performances. This year’s conference
will particularly focus on the reception of ancient, medieval, and early modern
texts, whether literary or philosophical, across genres, periods, and geographical
spaces. 250 word abstracts should be submitted to Professor Brenda
Schildgen by May 1, 2013 (email:


2013 APS Registration Open

Golden Dome by ndbutter via Flickr

We are very excited to welcome everyone to South Bend, Indiana and the University of Notre Dame for the 13th annual meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society, April 4-7, 2013.

The #APS13 Program is available.

You are now invited to register for the conference by visiting our Conference Registration page with the Philosophy Documentation Center:

Please note that early registration is open until March 14, 2013, at which point the registration fee increases by $20 for both faculty and graduate students.  So register early!

Hotel reservations may be made at the Fairfield Inn & Suites South Bend by phone (574) 234-5510. The special room rate is $114.