Category Archives: Conferences

Online Registration for Spring 2008 Conference

It is now possible to register online through the Philosophy Documentation Center for the Eighth Annual independent meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society to be held at the New School for Social Research in New York, April 10-13, 2008.The link to register is: conference registration fee, together with 2008-09 membership dues in the Ancient Philosophy Society, is $75 for individuals and $30 for students with valid ID. The conference registration fee for APS members already paid for 2008-09 is $25 for individuals and $5 for students.The registration deadline at these rates is March 27, 2008. Registrations submitted after that date will be charged an additional $10 ($85 for non- or renewing member or $35 for current members).If you are uncertain about your membership status, the registration webpage has a link to allow you to check your status. Please register early to avoid the late penalty and to facilitate the planning process.

2008 Call for Papers

The Eighth Annual Independent meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society will be held in New York City at the New School for Social Research on April 10-13, 2008.Papers on any topic in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy are invited. Papers should be no more than 3000 words, 30 minutes reading time. Panel proposals will be considered, though they should be as complete as possible. Please prepare papers for blind review, with personal information on a cover sheet. Abstracts will not be considered.

Deadline: 15 November 2007

Inquiries and submissions (four paper copies plus one electronic copy, prepared for blind review) should be directed to:

Claudia BaracchiDepartment of PhilosophyThe New School for Social Research79 Fifth AvenueNew York, NY 10003

Please, for electronic submissions or inquiries use only this email address: submissions@ancientphilosophysociety.orgThe call for papers is now available for download in pdf format.

Plato’s Timaeus: The Conference

September 13–16, 2007, University of Illinois-Urbana. The Departments of the Philosophy and Classics, UIUC, are mounting an international, interdisciplinary conference, “Life, the Universe, Everything — and More: Plato’s Timaeus Today.” Keynote speakers are Alexander Nehamas (Philosophy and Comparative Literature, Princeton), Sir Anthony Leggett (2003 Nobel Laureate for Physics), and Anthony Vidler (Dean of Architecture, the Cooper Union). Prompted by the explosion of critical interest in the dialogue since the turn of the millennium, the conference will address all of its aspects — its theology, metaphysics, cosmology, science, psychology, ethics, literary aspects, and reception in the history of ideas. For the full speakers’ list, program, and registration information, conference organizers, Richard D. Mohr (UIUC) and Barbara M. Sattler (Yale), invite you to visit our website A block of guestrooms is being held through August 13th at the conference’s main site, the Illini Union (Hotel). For details, see the Housing tab at our website.