The twelfth annual meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society will be held April 19-22, 2012 at the University of San Francisco.
Papers in English on any topic in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy are welcome. In light of the vibrant political scene of the city of San Francisco, papers on the theme of the polis are particularly welcome.
There is a 3,000 word maximum for submissions, which should be prepared for blind review. Before submitting your paper by email, please see the full guidelines for submissions to the 12th annual conference in April 2012.
Submit papers by email to:
The deadline for submissions is:
Tuesday, November 15, 2011.
We are proud to announce that the two keynote speakers for the 2012 conference will be:
Christof Rapp
Chair for Ancient Philosophy and Rhetoric
Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität Munich
Andrea Nightingale
Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature
Stanford University