Ancient Philosophy Society Call for Papers

The Ancient Philosophy Society is holding a virtual seminar on Dorota Dutsch’s book Pythagorean Women Philosophers: Between Belief and Suspicion on Friday, January 29th. See the attached flier for further information. We look forward to seeing you there!
Conference Announcement
We are very much looking forward to hosting the Ancient Philosophy Society here in Chicago from April 2nd-5th, for its 2020 Annual Meeting. The program promises four days of stimulating talks.
A block of rooms has been reserved for April 1st-5th at the Hotel Lincoln, 1816 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60614, 312.254.4700. There is a reduced conference rate of $169/night. To request the conference rate, ask for “DePaul University Ancient Philosophy Society” and do so on or before March 5th.
A more affordable option would be the Getaway Hostel, 616 W. Arlington Pl., Chicago, IL, 60614, 844.929.5380, which is an approximately 20 minute walk or 5 minute bus ride from the Hotel Lincoln, where most of the conference events will take place.
The registration fee for the conference is $75, with a reduced rate of $40 for students. This must be paid by all participants prior to attending the conference. Also, please do note that all conference participants are expected to have paid their annual APS dues for 2020.
And we encourage you to register for and attend the Saturday Night Banquet at the Alhambra Palace, 1240 W. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60607. The banquet will include a two-hour open bar and a buffet dinner of sumptuous Mediterranean cuisine, with many vegetarian options. And it will feature, on the Alhambra stage, the celebratory panel, Twenty Years of the APS: Vital Themes and Questions, with papers by Jill Gordon, Drew Hyland, and Rob Metcalf.
The registration fee and the banquet fee, as well as APS annual dues, can be paid through the Philosophy Documentation Center, here:
If your paper has been accepted to the conference, you may be eligible for one or both of the following Ancient Philosophy Society prizes—the Emerging Scholar Prize and the Diversity Prize. Please contact us at APS2020@depaul.edu to self-nominate by February 1st, 2020.
Finally, we will be sending along a digital copy of the conference proceedings in the next week or so. Don’t hesitate to contact us if any questions or concerns arise. See you all in April!
Best regards,
APS 2020 Conference Hosts
Sean D. Kirkland, Will McNeill, and Michael Naas
20th Anniversary
Celebration and
Annual Meeting
2-5 April, 2020
DePaul University
Chicago, IL
The Ancient Philosophy Society was established to provide a forum for diverse scholarship on ancient Greek and Roman texts. Honoring the richness of the American and European philosophical traditions, the APS supports phenomenological, postmodern, Anglo-American, Straussian, Tübingen School, hermeneutic, psychoanalytic, queer, and feminist interpretations of ancient Greek and Roman philosophical and literary works.
THEME: Although papers on all topics relating to the continental interpretation of ancient philosophy are welcome, this year’s conference organizers are especially interested in assembling one or two panels relating to the themes of xeniaor ‘hospitality’ and the xenos or the ‘foreigner, stranger,’therebybringing the ancients into the urgent contemporary conversation about social/political issues such as immigration, national identities, and border policy.
Submissions cannot exceed 3000 words in length (not including notes) and must be prepared for blind review.
Send to: APS2020@depaul.edu
The conference hosts at DePaul University this year are Michael Naas, Sean D. Kirkland, and William McNeill.
Deadline November 22nd, 2019
For more information visit: http://www.ancientphilosophysociety.org
Ancient Philosophy Society
19th Annual Independent Meeting
Trinity College, Hartford
April 25th – April 28th, 2019
Honoring the richness of the American and European philosophical traditions, the Ancient Philosophy Society welcomes submissions from a variety of interpretive perspectives. Phenomenological, postmodern, Anglo-American, Straussian, Tübingen School, hermeneutic, psychoanalytic, queer, feminist, and any other interpretations of ancient Greek and Roman philosophical and literary works are encouraged.
Please submit papers for anonymous review by email attachment to APS@trincoll.edu. Deadline: November 25th, 2018. The author’s name, institution, and references pertaining to the identity of the author must be omitted from the paper, notes, and bibliography. The email accompanying the submission must include the author’s name, the title of the paper, address, telephone, email address, and institutional affiliation.
All papers are reviewed by an anonymous Program Committee selected by the Host and Executive Committee to represent the range of interpretive traditions. Decisions will be reached in January 2019, and authors will be notified by email. You do not need to be a member of the society to submit a paper, but you must join the society to be on the program.
The APS values diversity in its membership as well as in its scholarly perspectives. We particularly invite submissions from members of groups underrepresented in philosophy, including women, people of color, LGBTQI individuals, and people with disabilities. The APS conference is wheelchair accessible.
In keeping with this commitment to diversity, the APS will award two prizes of $300 each:
For current information about the meeting, as well as membership information, consult the APS website: www.ancientphilosophysociety.org.
Please direct all inquiries to Dr. Shane Ewegen at APS@trincoll.edu
The program for our 2018 meeting at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia is now available. It can be viewed and downloaded here:
We look forward to seeing you.
Ancient Philosophy Society
18th Annual Independent Meeting
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
April 26-April 29, 2018
Honoring the richness of the American and European philosophical traditions, the Ancient Philosophy Society encourages submissions from a variety of interpretive perspectives. Phenomenological, postmodern, Anglo-American, Straussian, Tübingen School, hermeneutic, psychoanalytic, queer, feminist, and any other interpretations of ancient Greek and Roman philosophical and literary works are welcome.
Please submit papers by e-mail attachment to APS2018@emory.edu. Deadline: November 22, 2017. The author’s name, institution, and references pertaining to the identity of the author must be omitted from the paper, notes, and bibliography. The e-mail accompanying the submission must include the author’s name, the title of the paper, address, telephone, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation.
All papers are reviewed by an anonymous Program Committee selected by the Host and Executive Committee to represent the range of interpretive traditions. Decisions will be reached in January 2018, and authors will be notified by e-mail. You do not need to be a member of the society to submit a paper, but you must join the society to be on the program.
The APS values diversity in its membership as well as in its scholarly perspectives. We particularly invite submissions from members of groups underrepresented in philosophy, including women, people of color, LGBTQI individuals, and people with disabilities. The APS conference is wheelchair accessible.
In keeping with this commitment to diversity, the APS will award two prizes of $300 each:
For current information about the meeting, as well as membership information, consult the APS website: www.ancientphilosophysociety.org.
Please direct all inquiries to APS2018@emory.edu.
Dear APS enthusiasts,
I am pleased to announce that conference and hotel registration is now open for APS 2017.
I will send email notifications out about program submissions by the end of the week.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions at APS2017@baylor.edu.
I look forward to seeing you all at Baylor this Spring.
Anne-Marie Schultz
Local Arrangements Chair, APS 2017
Ancient Philosophy Society
17th Annual Independent Meeting
Baylor University, Waco, Texas
April 27- April 29, 2017
Honoring the richness of the American and European philosophical traditions, the Ancient Philosophy Society encourages submissions from a variety of interpretive perspectives. Phenomenological, postmodern, Anglo-American, Straussian, Tübingen School, hermeneutic, psychoanalytic, queer, feminist, and any other interpretations of ancient Greek and Roman philosophical and literary works are welcome.
Please submit papers by e-mail attachment to APS2017@baylor.edu. Deadline: November 15, 2016. The author’s name, institution, and references pertaining to the identity of the author must be omitted from the paper, notes, and bibliography. The e-mail accompanying the submission must include the author’s name, the title of the paper, address, telephone, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation.
All papers are reviewed by an anonymous Program Committee selected by the Host and Executive Committee to represent the range of interpretive traditions. Decisions will be reached in January 2017, and authors will be notified by e-mail. You do not need to be a member of the society to submit a paper, but you must join the society to be on the program.
This year, we are creating space on the program for a working group in Ancient Philosophy. The working group format aims to provide participants with feedback on a project in an early stage of development. This year’s topic is “Aristotle and The Non-human other.” If you are interested in participating in the working group, please submit a five hundred word abstract to APS2017@baylor.edu. Please leave the abstract free of identifying information.
The APS values diversity in its membership as well as in its scholarly perspectives. We particularly invite submissions from members of groups underrepresented in philosophy, including women, people of color, LGBTQI individuals, and people with disabilities. The APS conference is wheelchair accessible.
In keeping with this commitment to diversity, the APS will award two prizes of $300 each:
For current information about the meeting, as well as membership information, consult the APS website: www.ancientphilosophysociety.org.
Please direct all inquiries to APS2017@baylor.edu.