If you think that ancient philosophy has continuing relevance and resonance, then why not submit your next article to Ancient Philosophy Today? The journal’s guiding thought is that ancient theories are not ‘obsolete’; rather, they are serious philosophical texts that can inform current philosophical interests and debates.
A forum for top-quality work in ancient philosophy that engages with issues in contemporary philosophy
Ancient Philosophy Today both highlights the continuing importance of ancient philosophy and gives the field a greater sense of identity and direction. The journal publishes original research articles, book reviews and overview articles on key ongoing discussions.

A Letter from the Editors ‘Ancient Philosophy Today: Dialogoi is the home of interpretative work in ancient philosophy that connects to current discussions in metaphysics, epistemology and ethics, spanning from the Early Greek period to Late Antiquity. We believe that there is more philosophy in antiquity than has been so far identified in the literature. If you’re working in the area and would like to submit your article, ask us any questions or guest edit a special issue, we’d love to hear from you.’ Anna Marmodoro:anna.marmodoro@philosophy.ox.ac.uk Erasmus Mayr:erasmusmayr@yahoo.com |