
The books found on this page were written or recommended by members of the Ancient Philosophy Society. We provide them here to give visitors and our colleagues a sense of the scope and quality of the work done and valued by our members.

Contemporary Encounters with Ancient Practice
By Dave Mesing and Edited by Abraham Jacob Greenstine and Ryan J. Johnson
Foreign Influences: The Circulation of Knowledge in Antiquity
By Benoît Castelnérac and Laetitia Monteils-Laeng (eds) and Luca Gili
Soul and Life: Psyche in Seminal Ancient Greek Thinkers
By Charlotte C.S. Thomas and Cinzia Arruzza and Daniel P. Maher and Deborah Achtenberg and I-Kai Jeng and Kevin Marren and Michael M. Shaw and Ronna Burger and Shane Montgomery Ewegen and Stuart D. Warner.
Biopolitics and Ancient Thought
By (eds.) and Antonio Cimino and Jussi Backman
Remaking Boethius. The English Language Translation Tradition of The Consolation of Philosophy
By Brian Donaghey and Kenneth C. Hawley and Noel Harold Kaylor Jr. and Paul E. Szarmach and Philip Edward Phillips
Looking at Beauty: to Kalon in Western Greece
By Edited by Heather L. Reid and Tony Leyh
When Wisdom Calls: Philosophical Protreptic in Antiquity
By Annemaré Kotzé and Olga Alieva and Sophie Van der Meeren
A Companion to Ancient Philosophy
By Ed. by Sean D. Kirkland and Eric Sanday
New Journal for 2019 – Ancient Philosophy Today: DIALOGOI
By Durham University and University of Oxford (UK) and Professor Dr Erasmus Mayr and Durham University and University of Oxford (UK) Professor Dr Erasmus Mayr and Editors Professor Anna Marmodoro and University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany)
Epicurus on the Self
By Attila Németh
An Aristotelian Feminism
By Sarah Borden Sharkey
Eternity: A History
By Yitzhak Y. Melamed
Platonic Production: Theme and Variations
By Andy German and Stanley Rosen
Aristotle and the Virtues
By Howard J. Curzer
The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle
By Edited by Christopher Shields
Aristotle and the Arabic Tradition
By Ahmed Alwishah and Josh Hayes
Mantissa: Essays in Ancient Philosophy IV
By By Jonathan Barnes Edited by Maddalena Bonelli
The Returns of Antigone: Interdisciplinary Essays
By Tina Chanter & Sean D. Kirkland
Recco and Sanday Edit Volume on Plato’s Laws
By Eric Sanday and Gregory Recco
Aristotle on the Nature of Truth
By Christopher P. Long
Feminist Readings of Antigone
By Fanny Söderbäck
Heidegger’s Being and Truth
By Gregory Fried and Richard Polt
Interrogating Antigone
By Audrone Zukauskaite and S. E. Wilmer
Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy
By Mark Basil Tanzer and Robert D. Metcalf
The Ethics of Ontology
By Christopher P. Long