Gonzaga, 2023
Emory, 2022
The 2011 Meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society
The 2010 Meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society
Sallis Asks a Question of Gary Gurtler
Preparing the Session on Pity
News and Announcements
  • Ancient Philosophy Society Call For Papers

     The Ancient Philosophy Society for the Study of Ancient Greek and Roman Thought (APS) was established to provide a forum for diverse scholarship on ancient Greek and Roman texts. Honoring the richness of the American and European philosophical traditions, the Ancient Philosophy Society supports phenomenological, postmodern, Anglo-American, Straussian, Tübingen School, hermeneutic, psychoanalytic, and feminist interpretations of ancient Greek and Roman philosophical and literary works. Papers on any topic in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy are . . . Read More

  • Ancient Philosophy Society Graduate Student Panel

    Come join us for our next graduate student panel!

  • The Collegium Phaenomenologicum Call for Applications

    The Collegium Phaenomenologicum convenes for its 47th annual session in Città di Castello, Italy, July 7-25,2025. The terms by which ancient Greek intellectuals conceived of being born, living, and dying continue to exert profound influence on contemporary efforts to theorize the political valence of life. Collegium 2025 will take three central concepts as its focus, considering the lines and ruptures from genos to generation, from bios to biography, and from nekros to necroresistance, with special interest in Greek tragedy as a powerful site of such intersections. . . . Read More

  • Virtual Conference on Plato’s Lysis
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